Japan Services Estate Agents in Ealing & Acton
Japan Services Estate Agents specialise in the sale of houses and flats in West Acton and Ealing. We act for clients from diverse backgrounds and carefully consider individual circumstances, helping sellers to achieve their goals in all market conditions. We normally have a range of buyers on our books, from those looking to purchase their first home to international investors seeking a foothold in the London property market. We were the one of the first, and remain, leaders in the field of residential property investment in Ealing and West Acton.
We believe in delivering a quality service, drawing on our staff members' decades of experience in the local area to provide competent and sensible advice.
Understanding the Purchase Process
Understanding your Goals
Before even looking for a property, it is crucial that you decide if you are mainly interested in investment or want to purchase a property for your own use. It is usually a mistake to try and combine the two criteria. People have diverse tastes and personal preferences for location or decoration may not translate into a high annual rental yield. Understanding your priorities is the most important step in this process.
Selecting a Property
Some basic key considerations include:
- Location Positives (especially in relation to public transport, shops, schools)
- Location Negatives (including in relation to crime rates; proximity to waste tips, construction sites, flight-paths etc.)
- State of Repair (decorations, but mainly structural)
- Aspect (South-facing garden etc.)
- Fitness for Purpose (a family home for four has different requirements from student accommodation)
Some more specific considerations:
- Neighbours
- Conservation Area / Listed Building status (affects planning permissions, character of area)
- Flora & Fauna (including invasive or protected species; mature trees)
- Local Council services (waste collection, highways maintenance etc.)
- Block Management & Service Charges (for flats)
Choosing a Solicitor
We recommend that you choose a solicitor before you even find a property. Your solicitor will be able to advise on how best to hold ownership personally, jointly with your partner through an overseas company or even through an off-shore trust. If you do not have an existing solicitor then Japan Services will be happy to recommend reputable local firms who are experienced in handling expatriates' affairs.
Obtaining a Mortgage
Again, before selecting a property you should have the finance arranged in principle. You will then know exactly what you can afford and how much capital you need to provide. Whilst we do not have an in-house mortgage department, Japan Services can recommend a number of mortgage brokerswith whom you can further discuss your requirements.
Making an Offer
Once you have found a suitable property for your purpose you make an offer "subject to survey and contract". When your offer has been agreed it is time to instruct a surveyor.
Organising a Structural Survey & Final Price Negotiations
Having agreed a purchase price (subject to contract and survey), independent Structural Surveyor is asked to produce a critical report on the condition of the property and a current market valuation. The mortgage provider is also request to survey the property.